
萬安41號演習The 41th Wan-an Air-defense Drill


舉行時間Date of the military drill:107年6月4日(星期一)13:30至14:00止1:30pm to 2:00pm, June 4, 2018 (Monday)
一、聞演習警報鳴響,校園內人、車全部參加演習,前後門鐵門關閉、禁止車輛及人員進出,在校園內之行人應就近大樓尋求避難,行駛之車輛應立即停放路旁並熄火,整個校園實施淨空狀態。As the siren of the drill is on, all people and cars have to participate in the drill. The doors of the campus and buildings will be closed to stop vehicles and personnel from entering or leaving. The pedestrian in the campus should go to nearest building to seek shelter. Driving vehicles should immediately stop at the roadside and turn off the engine. The whole campus is clearance state.
二、演習期間所有館、舍場所之人員應緊閉門窗、關水電、音響、瓦斯、熄滅燈火、立即就近場所避難。During the drill, staff of all buildings should close the doors and windows, turn off the water, sound, gas, lights, and take shelter in the nearest place.
三、本校教職員工與學生於演習期間禁止在校園戶外遊蕩,應就近建築物入內避難,因演習影響而導致遲到,不得視為遲到或曠職、曠課。All staff and students are prohibit to walk in the campus during the drill. Everyone should go into the nearest building to take shelter. All delays due to this drill shall not be treated as absenteeism.


桃園縣中壢市五權里中大路300號    交通資訊
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