
109學年度第1學期學分費繳費相關事宜Course Credit Fees Payment Notification of the Fall Semester 2020



The information of Paying Course Credit Fees are as follows:


(1)學校首頁的Portal入口下載列印繳費單 (學生服務→生活助學服務→學費繳費單)

(2)第一銀行第e學雜費入口網: https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw  (依畫面選項選擇學校名稱,依序輸入學號及身分證後6碼)

(3)學雜費管理系統: http://tuition.is.ncu.edu.tw/stdvoucher
Please download the Course Credit Fees Payment Slip from the following websites.

(1) https://portal.ncu.edu.tw/login (NCU Portal)

(2) https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw (First Bank)

(3) http://tuition.is.ncu.edu.tw/stdvoucher (Tuition Management System)
You can also request the Payment Slip at the office of Cashier Division, if necessary.

Payment deadline:2020/

使用信用卡或超商繳費者,入帳需5~7 個工作天(上班日),請提早授權或繳納,以免逾期。學分費之逾期後續問題請洽課務組。

If you use credit card or through convenient store to pay the fees, please pay the fees at least 5 to 7 days(work day) prior to the deadline.


(1) 臨櫃繳款-第一銀行全省分行 (第一商業銀行中壢分行於每週二、四、五上午10:00-12:00 會配合到校服務/行政大樓一樓)

(2) ATM轉帳繳費:轉入行庫代碼007(第一銀行)

(3) 語音信用卡繳費:02-2760-8818

(4) 網路信用卡繳費:https://www.27608818.com
(5) 超商繳款:須自付手續費10(入帳需5~6 個工作天(上班日))


Four Ways to Pay Your Course Credit Fees:

(1)In cash:

With the Course Credit Fees Payment Slip, you can make the payment by cash at any branch of First Commercial Bank in Taiwan.

(2)Through ATM transfer:

If you have an ATM card issued by a Taiwanese bank, you can pay the tuition fee via ATM transfer. Please keep the receipt for checking after transferring the fee.

Steps to ATM Transfer:

Insert your ATM card->Key in password --> Select “Other Services”-->Select “ATM Transfer”--> Key in First Bank Code Number 007 --> Key in theA/C No.--> Key in theAmount Due--> Done

(3)With credit card:

Please refer to the following website for credit card payment.

(4)Through 7-11, Family Mart, Hi-Life and OK-Mart Transfer:

With the Course Credit Fees Payment Slip, you can make the payment in cash at 7-11, Family Mart, Hi-Life or OK- Mart. They will charge you NT$ 10.

Please remember to keep the receipt for checking.


*In the case of having question regarding Course Credit Fees Payment Slip, contact the office of Cashier Division(03-4227151-57346).


* To those whom do not pay the Course Credit Fees before deadline, all of the selected courses will be dropped.


桃園縣中壢市五權里中大路300號    交通資訊
電話:(03)422-7151轉34030或34031 傳真:(03)4257092 E-mail:ncu4030@ncu.edu.tw
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